Welcome to the Blog

We all have opinions—things we love, like, admire, dislike, are contemptuous of, can’t stand, and so on. The idea behind all blogs is an assumption that someone out there in Cyberland cares about what we think. This blog is no exception. Since you found your way to our website, we assume that you have some interest in different aspects of STEM education and maybe some curiosity about our ideas. What you can expect to find on the Blog are our takes on good and not-so-good teaching methods; attributes and quirks of students, faculty members, and administrators; books and articles we think you might enjoy; and occasionally some stuff just for fun.

Following are three ways to find what the blog has to offer on a topic that interests you. If you don’t have a specific topic in mind but just want to browse, we suggest you go to Way #1.

  1. Click on Guide to the Blog, a list of frequently-asked questions about STEM teaching and learning and links to our responses. Chances are you’ll find some questions you’ve wondered about. For example, “How can I prepare a new course (lectures, assignments, exams,…) and still have time for the rest of my life?” and “My students vary all over the place in background and skills, and there’s just one of me. What am I supposed to do?”
  2. In the column on the right side of this page, you’ll find a list of categories (Active Learning, Assessment and Evaluation,…, Tips for Students). Click on the category that best fits the topic you want information about. Links to all the posts in that category will appear.
  3. Enter a keyword or phrase in the search box below the category list. Links to all the posts that contain your entry will appear.

OK, we’ll stop there. Our plan is to post at least once a month and more if the spirit moves us, with the posts ranging from quick teaching tips and quotes to longer pieces. Enjoy.

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