Useful links

Note: We’re always on the lookout for good resources to share. If you know of a resource that we should include for either general STEM education or a specific discipline, please send us a message with the link.

General STEM Education Resources 

  • How Stuff Works is a comprehensive site with sections on engines and motors, electronics, around the house, things you see in public, basic technologies, computers and the Internet, digital technology, automotive, in the news, food, and the human body.
  • IDEA Center. The web site of the Kansas State University Center for Individual Development Educational Assessment. Short papers and research reports on a large variety of educational topics, information about workshops, and a keyword search engine.
  • MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching). A vast searchable collection of on-line instructional materials in all disciplines.
  • National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science houses nearly 1000 case studies in different sciences (with a heavy concentration in the life sciences) and engineering, with guidance on using them for instruction.
  • National Science Digital Library is a repository of resources and tools that support innovations in teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.
  • Northwestern University Searle Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning has a number of useful materials for STEM faculty including assessment of student learning and teaching strategies and materials.
  • TechGuide is an online resource for tech-related educational and career opportunities.


  • Making Room for Diverse Populations in STEM provides links to 101 guides and articles on improving STEM engagement for people with disabilities, people from the LGBTQ+ community, Black and indigenous people, People of Color, Women, and a group often overlooked in STEM, those with strong religious convictions.

STEM Resources for K-12  (Activities, projects, and games in STEM disciplines)

Computer Science Resources

  • Computer Science Teaching Resources is a site developed by Exploring Computer Science (ECS), a national program to  improve high school computer science opportunities especially for underrepresented groups.
  • Resources for Women in computer Technology is a page that reviews the history of women in computer science, explores the current opportunities for women, and idenitfies resources to help women explore and grow in computer science fields.

Engineering Resources

  • Concept Warehouse is a great resource for using ConceptTests and Concept Inventories to teach chemical and mechanical engineering.
  • Everyday Engineering Examples uses familiar examples to introduce topics in basic engineering courses.
  • LearnChemE is a site from the University of Colorado Boulder that contains a wealth of resources for teaching chemical engineering including screencasts, interactive simulations, student resources, and instructor resources.

Physics Resources

  • ComPADRE is a network of online resource collections and community web sites supporting physics and astronomy education sponsored by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). The site has resources for physics students, K-12 physics, higher education courses,  and general collections for faculty.
  • PhysPort is a comprehensive site supported by the American Association of Physics Teachers for resources based on physics education research. You can find expert recommendations, teaching guides, assessment guides, and video workshops.

Math Resources